2023 Working Parties

Already underway !

Get your free Guest Ticket for attendance and a chance to win free membership for 2024/5 (one entry for every time you attend)

see WhatsApp group for more regular updates or contact the organiser listed

AGM Reminder 23rd November

Hi All

Just a reminder AGM is on the 23rd November at Bentley Brook Inn at 7:30pm prompt

Please let Karl know if your attending by emailing him at secretary@ladffa.com (if you havent already)



50th Anniversary Day 10th September

Hi All

Please note we’ve cancelled the daytime event on the 10th September  due to lack of attendance, the evening meal will go ahead as scheduled but will be a more relaxed meal with a potential raffle rather than the planned auction.



NEW Membership Cards for 22/23

New cards are available for download for this season  – remember to make sure you have a copy with you and your rod license when fishing as Nigel will be checking them rigorously this season.

If you haven’t got a photo uploaded please email me a photo (head and shoulders passport style) asap as you otherwise won’t be able to access the membership card

If your still one of the few people to pay via the bank please ensure payment this next week

Tight Lines for 22/23 and our 50th year

Working Parties 2022

Corrected 1st July weekday to correct FRIDAY

Please find below our dates for working parties for this season, they aren’t hard work and this year we are offering a special prize draw for those who attend , basically if you can fish then you can help on these parties !!!!!

In the future, we will be using the same dates every year so you can plan well in advance and then we will rotate the rivers around so they get a fair amount of time at differing times of year.

Month River Task Day Main Contact Secondary Contact Date /Time
March River Hamps Winter debris clearing Sunday Simon G Paul K March 20th/1pm-5pm
April Dove Dale Carpark & down Saturday Alex S Damian 2nd April / TBA
May Upper Dove Top Trimming Saturday Chris B Simon G 7th May/TBA
June Lower Dove Balsam bash Wednesday Paul H Chris B 15th June/TBA
June River Churnet Balsam bash Saturday Karl P Paul K 25th June/TBA
July Bentley Brook Trimming & Sluice Friday Alex S Damian 1st July/TBA
July River Churnet Balsam bash Saturday Karl P Tim W 23rd July/TBA
August Dove Dale Litter Pick Wednesday Paul K Paul H 10th August/ 5.30 – 8.30pm
August River Churnet Balsam bash Wednesday Karl P 24th August /TBA
September Upper Dove Btm Trimming Btm Wednesday Chris B Tim W 7th September /TBA
October Dove Dale TBD Saturday Alex S 15th October /TBA

New UserGuide for 2022

Hi All

I’ve just uploaded the latest userguide  for this coming season available in the downloads section once you’ve logged on, please note these now contain ordnance survey maps with w3w locations for all major points of interest including beat limits, please note that these were originally based on fairly vague maps so although I’ve tried my best to keep accurate I do expect some inaccuracies especially as w3w is a 3m square, especially when trying to transpose differing maps and overhead satellite imagery and choosing the right w3w grid ….. – If you think you can provide more accurate w3w when your fishing these beats please capture it and send through to me to update.

For those who don’t know or aren’t familiar with w3w please see the below for some good info (yes you can use w3w offline with no mobile reception)


Newsletter Winter 2021

Hi All

I’ve sent the latest newsletter out this evening – if you haven’t received it please check your spam folder and if not present please contact me.

also available as usual in https://ladffa.com/newsletters

All the best


Petition for signing

Wild fish and their waters need you.
Our report on the Environment Agency (EA) ‘Doing its job?’ exposed its lamentable failure to protect our rivers and their wildlife. Now we need your support.

We have launched a Parliamentary Petition calling on Government to give the EA the mandate and resources to do a proper job. The EA needs to be shorn of Government directions to put the economy before the environment and it needs the funding to enforce existing legislation without fear or favour.

In the content that follows you will find how to sign and share the petition and a letter template for writing to your local MP. We need 100,000 signatures to get a debate in Parliament and have until 24th November 2021

TRT ARE RECRUITING: Senior Catchment Manager (Central); Farm Advisor – River Eye and Trent Valley Way Project Officer

Dear Partners
The Trent Rivers Trust are currently advertising 3 exciting new roles …
Senior Catchment Manager (central), Farm Advisor and Trent Valley Way Project Officer.
The links for each of these jobs and application details are below:




Please could you circulate these within your networks and on social media.

With thanks



Rosie Leeman

Events & Admin Co-ordinator
